Creating pages

The maps you create on TopoMania are shown on your pages. You start off with one Home page and you can add other pages.

Your pages are listed in het menu "My TopoMania". Here you can alse administer your pages.

Administering Pages

Your pages are shown in a list. If you have just created your account you see just your Home page. When you add new pages, they become subpages of your Home page.

Adding new Pages

Click on "New Page" to add a new page. Enter a titel, name and description for your page. The Title will be shown on the page itself as the heading of your page. The name is a short name that is used in the url of your page.

Removing Pages

On the Administer Pages section you can remove your page. Only pages that have no maps on them can be removed. If you want to remove a page you first have te remove all the maps on the page. Or you can transfer the maps to another page.

Edit a Page

You can edit the titel, name and description of your page. Keep in mind that the name of the page is used in links you might have shared with other people. If you change the name this link becomes invalid and users might not be able to find your page.

If your account is in "Group Account" modus, you can allow other users to become a member of your Home page. You will see an invitation code that you can share with other users to become a member of your Home page.

Adding Maps to your page

On every page you can add maps. This can be copies of your own maps or copies of maps from other users. You can also create a map from scratch.

Read more about creating maps: Creating Maps

Ordering maps on your page

When you create maps you can assign a category to the map. On the pages your maps will be grouped by category. Initially the maps will be listed by category in alphabetical order. 

You can change this order by dragging the maps on the page. At the top of the page you see a link "Change Order". Click the link and reorder your maps. When you're finished reordering, click on "Save Order" to make the changes permanent.

Get other users to join your page (Group Account)

If your account is in "Group Account" mode, other users can be invited to join your page. Users that have joined your page can make the tests you prepared for them. On the edit form of your home page there is a checkbox to open your page for members. You will also see an invitation code.

Send a link to your page together with the invitation link to the people you want to invite. When they visit your page they will see an option to use the invitation code to join your page.

When you create an exam on the page, the members will see a link to the exam on their Dashboard on the TopoMania Home Page. Only exams that have not been taken and that are available on the current day are shown on the Dashboard.