Privacy Policy TopoMania

Privacy Policy for the App

The app is suited for all ages. There are no ads in the app. There are no in-app purchages. No personal data from the app is saved. The app needs permission to use the Internet connection.

Privacy Policy for the Site


The TopoMania website saves cookies to your computer. This happens directly when you visit the site. These cookies are used to save your preferences.


The website uses the Google Adsense advertising network to show ads. The website uses Google Analytics to analyse and record the site usage. For more information about these technologies please visit Google's informatie site at:

No Cookies?

If you don't want cookies you can adjust your browser settings to disallow cookies. Please consult the information of your browser to learn how to do that. Here is a list with information for the most used browsers:

  • Edge (Microsoft)
  • Firefox (Mozilla)
  • Safari (Apple)
  • Google Chrome (Google)