Frequently Asked Questions

These are the answers to the most asked question on the forum and by mail. If you still cannot find the answer to your question please leave a message on the forum.

I cannot get past the Start Button in the App

You have installed the app but cannot get past the Start Button on the Welcome page. This happens when you have not enough free space on your device. The app cannot start. Please try to free some memory by removen one or two less used apps and try again.

How can I use one of my own maps in the app?

To use your own maps in the app you have to add your page to the app.

First go to the your page on the website. Click on the information icon and you will see the name of your page. 

Now open the menu on the app and tap "Mijn TopoMania". Enter te name you found on your page and apply. Now the your page will be listed and all de maps on the page are available to use in the app.

When you add new maps on the page you need to refresh your page in the app to see the new maps.

I don't see my favorites from the site in the app

How can I modify a map?

To modify an existing map, you first have to make a copy of the map. After you have made a copy you can change the contents of the map.

I used a template to create a map but when I start playing the map it says "Not enough active items"

When u use a template to create a new map, all of the countries start as not-active. So they will not be used in the exercise. Select all of the countries you want to use in the exercise and change the check the checkbox of the property Active to use them in the exercises.

Is TopoMania free of charge?

Yes. You can use all of het functionalities on the site for free. You don't need a credit card to register. The Apps are not free.

Why are there ads on the site?

TopoMania is a free service. To pay for development and hosting there are advertisments on the site. These ads are filtered to show only ads that are appropriate for all ages. If you see an ad that you don't find appropriate, please let me know by mail.