Creating Worksheets

The Worksheet program let's you generate a PDF from one of your maps to practice on paper

Start the Worksheet program from the information page of a map. Click the Icon to open the map in the Worksheet generator.

There are several options to format your worksheet to your liking.

Label Mode

Here you set how you want the labels to display:

Numbers: Every item gets a number
Blind Map: Labels will be hidden
Labels: The labels will be shown with the regular names

Number Mode

Here you set how numbers are generated. You can choose from regular decimal numbers, or a different numberset for each group of item types.

Group Item TypesIf you use different numberset per item type you can choose whether to group the item types or whether to show them in a mix.
LegendIf you use different numberset per item type you can choose to have a legend generated, explaining the items types.
Answer SheetChoose to include an Answer Sheet
Paper FormatSelect the paper format to use to generate the PDF
OrientationSelect the orientation Landscape or Portrait in which to generate the PDF

After you have set the necesary options you click on the button Create Worksheet to have your worksheet prepared. The worksheet will be downloaded to your computer.